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It's been 50/50 since the day we met;
hence, the day we'd wed
then said “I do” –

Now it's 60/40 since the day she said
“I'll drop it all
to follow you

to another city”. It's a shame
we both can't have
our dreams come true.

It's a pity, so I gave more...
her 48 to my 52.

But the day we threw
her dream away
threw much more
from her core.

I understood,
I understood...
My 66 to her 34.

Or so I swore, but all our roles
had taken toll. The soul of me
was at 32 then 31, but luckily her 70

carried us through those times,
through it all
until I'd see

that 31 and 70 would be our sole epiphany.

So my 31 grew and grew,
I told my girl
to let it be.
Her 70 now 88,
my 31 now 93.

And so it went, as our percent
200 now, so happily.
It's been 50/50
since the day we met;
the day we'd let our destiny

define us more
than we do it,
and tell us how we're meant to be.

At a hundred plus, both of us
never count anymore.
Not since that day
when we said, “Hey,

why the hell are we keeping score?”